10 things to include in your diet to end hair loss

10 Things to include in your Diet to end Hair Loss

10 things to include in your diet to end hair loss
The foods we consume determine the quality of our health. So we should plan wisely. And our hair is an integral part of our personality. So, scroll down to know which foods you should include in your diet to end hair fall.

One of the easiest yet non-pocket-friendly ways to prevent hair loss is to spend a fortune on hair care! However, the use of chemicals can trigger hair loss in the future. Therefore, the best way to prevent hair fall and promote hair growth is to plan your meals wisely.

What and how much we eat determines the quality of our health. Therefore, people should avoid the use of chemicals and opt for natural hair care methods. Apart from applying hair oil and massaging the scalp regularly, people plan their diet judiciously to promote hair growth and prevent hair fall. Scroll down to know which foods you should eat to end hair loss.

Foods for Healthy Hair


leaves or curry leaves (also known as sweet neem) are a rich source of beta-carotene and contain a protein important for hair care. It is also known for its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Other essential nutrients in curry leaves nourish your hair and give them the necessary stimulation to grow and shine. So include curry leaves in your diet. Curry leaves can be used to temper food and add flavor to it. Dried curry leaf powder can be mixed with cooked rice to enhance the flavor and nourish the hair follicles from within.

Green leaves

Green vegetables such as spinach, kale, fenugreek, etc., can promote hair growth and reduce hair loss.


These nuts are rich in flavonoids and vitamin E and help in removing harmful free radicals. In addition, the selenium and manganese present in these nuts keep your hair healthy and shiny.


Foods rich in berries help in the production of collagen and aid in the absorption of iron. Hence, these juicy fruits are ideal for your hair.


oil Include coconut oil in your diet to promote hair health and improve quality. This oil is rich in healthy fats, vitamins E and K, and minerals.


The sulfur content in eggs helps to produce collagen and keratin, which are important for hair growth.


Avocado contains monounsaturated fatty acids that work as an anti-aging agent. In addition, it is loaded with antioxidants, fiber, potassium, and folate which help in hair growth and strengthen the roots.


Include pumpkin seeds, flaxseed, onion or kalonji, sunflower, sesame, fenugreek, and chia seeds in your regular diet to get the benefits of all the important nutrients.

Foods rich in vitamin C

Sweet peppers like capsicum, and citrus fruits like orange, lime, and sweet lime are rich in vitamin C. They also contain vitamin A.

Soy Products

Soybeans and soy products can reduce hair loss and promote hair growth. So eat these foods regularly to avoid baldness or hair fall.

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