Want Your Hair to Grow Faster Naturally Here are 9 Essential Tips

Healthy hair is a boon for every human being as it protects you from heat and cold also enhances your beauty. Having long hair improves your confidence and also tells how healthy your hair is. You may experience hair loss due to various factors such as insufficient nutrients, genes, or no proper care, or a cluttered lifestyle. Read this article to promote the growth of thick and fast hair which gives amazing treatment in a natural way.
Massage your scalp
To improve the growth of your hair, your hair scalp needs a good massage. Massage can reduce blood flow, strengthen roots, boost heart rate, and feed proper nutrients to hair follicles. Scalp massage can activate hair roots and enable the strong growth of hair.
Avoid direct heat on hair
When your hair is dry or rough, it reduces its strength. Using a dryer or styling heat irons can damage your hair and make it brittle. Direct heat from any tool can damage your hair and cause breakage.
Use egg yolk
Egg yolk is rich in lecithin and protein which is essential for strong hair growth. It increases hair follicles in the scalp and gives thick hair. The yolk provides nutrients to the scalp of your hair and ignites the growth of new hair. It prevents hair breakage and eradicates dandruff-causing infections.
Choose castor oil for thick hair
It has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties that prevent hair fall due to the problem of dandruff. Nutrients present in castor oil such as vitamin E, protein, omega-6 fatty acids are essential for hair growth and maintain moisture in the scalp. Massaging the oil with a mild warmth can produce nutrients in the scalp that promotes hair growth.
Wash with cold water
Cold water is best for washing hair as it can close the cuticle and strengthen the hair follicles. Hot water can cause dryness in your scalp which can cause hair fall. Cold water is best for hair as well as skin or lukewarm water.
Quit Smoking
Smoking cigarettes reduces the blood flow to the hair follicles and scalp. The dangerous toxin released from smoking can restrain hair growth. It also can stop the supply of oxygen and nutrients to your scalp and hair.
Ignore Over-Shampoo
Excessive use of shampoo also can cause your hair to lose its natural oils. The frequency of hair wash varies depending on the texture of the hair. Avoid shampooing to get rid of too much chemical interference to get thick hair.
Trim Your Split Ends
Regular trimming of dry split ends can improve healthy hair growth. If you avoid ending the damaged partition, it can cause more breakage. Go to a hairstylist and do proper trimming once every five to six weeks to improve hair growth.
Reduce stress to avoid hair loss
Stress can be a cause of hair fall. Prolonged stress can cause severe hair loss. This weakens the hair follicles and results in hair breakage. Find a way to relieve stress and maintain healthy hair.