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10 Simple Steps to Increase Your Life Expectancy

10 Simple Steps to Increase Your Life Span

Your Life expectancy can surely be increased with these simple steps. This guide will help you find ways to increase your life expectancy, improve your health, and feel good as you age. Let’s start with the simplest—extend your life expectancy with sunlight.

Get outside

Life expectancy can be increased only by going outside. When you go out, your skin is exposed to sunlight. This exposure triggers cells in your skin to produce vitamin D.

This vitamin (actually a prohormone, but don’t worry about that here) is essential for bone health and seems to be important in depression, heart disease, diabetes, and almost everything else. Maintaining vitamin D levels should be the easiest and cheapest way to improve your health and increase your life expectancy.

Some estimate that 50% of adults have low levels of vitamin D because we just don’t get outside enough (sitting near a window doesn’t matter, glass filters too much sunlight).

Getting out for just 15 minutes a day and exposing your hands and face to the sun is enough to maintain vitamin D levels in most cases. However, repeated and/or prolonged exposure to UV light increases the risk of skin cancer.

Taking vitamin D supplements and eating foods rich in vitamin D are also effective ways to increase the amount of this vitamin you get.

Elderly people need to pay special attention to their vitamin D levels. If you are a caregiver, make sure you help your loved one get out a little bit each day. Not only will this improve vitamin D levels, but it can also improve sleep because sunlight also regulates melatonin, another hormone in the body that regulates your sleep cycle.

Hanging out with friends

Life expectancy can be increased by just hanging out with your friends and family. The more connected someone is, the better their overall health. Having positive relationships with spouses, friends, and family is the best way to stay connected.

We’re not sure why relationships play a role in health and life expectancy. It may be that people with positive relationships are less likely to engage in risky behaviors and more likely to take care of themselves. May the people around you lessen the effects of stress on your health

People who are engaged in “meaningful” relationships have better health and a better life expectancy.

One way to improve your relationships with people is to get into the habit of telling good stories. Stories are how we communicate with each other, and telling a good story strengthens communication.

Instead of just giving a dry update over the phone to distant family members, tell a story about something funny your child did or something crazy at work. Stories keep relationships alive.

Make more time for friends and family. Work together (create stories together), and make a genuine effort to improve your communication with them (whether by email, phone, or in-person) with a good story always ready to tell.

Exercise Daily

Improve your life expectancy with a commitment to daily exercise. One study showed that people who exercised vigorously for about three hours a week had DNA and cells that are nine years younger. Three hours a week is a little more than 30 minutes a day.

The easiest way to make an exercise habit is through daily repetitions. When you promise to exercise daily, you can skip one day but then return to the program the next day.

If you’re exercising three times a week and skip Friday, you’ll have gone from Wednesday to Monday without exercise—a total of four days without exercise (very dangerous, from a habit-forming standpoint).

As for life expectancy, it’s more important that you exercise year after year than not exercising after starting a fit and intense exercise regimen.

Daily exercise will also help improve your sleep and your energy level. It’s important to revise your entire body every day. Remember, exercising daily doesn’t have to mean going to the gym every day. Home exercises like yoga, stretching, free weights, and more can be incredibly effective.

Floss Daily

The fact that daily flossing can increase life expectancy falls into the strange but true category. Flossing does two things—it prevents gum disease (that’s obvious), and it prevents heart disease (not so obvious). Stopping these two together only adds years to your life.

When you floss, you help protect your gums from swelling. What happens when your gums are swollen is that you have a chronic bacterial infection in your mouth. It damages your arteries through two mechanisms.

The first is that bacteria find their way into your arteries and exit (causing plaques). Plus, your body mounts an immune response to the bacteria in your mouth, which leads to inflammation, which can block your arteries. Can be dark. This makes it difficult for your heart to do its job and can harm you.

How do you get into a solid flossing habit? First, you need to make sure you have some sleep. There are many types of floss (flavored, flavorless, wire, ribbon, and more). Pick a few and give them a try.

Next, you have to remember. Place your floss over your toothpaste. It’s hard to forget like that. So just do it. You are already used to brushing your teeth at least twice a day, so just add your flossing habit to that.

Have More Sex

Having more sex can increase your life expectancy. This is good news, especially because the issues of sex and aging are being taken more and more seriously by the medical community.

In one study, men with a high frequency of orgasms saw a 50% reduction in mortality.

Why sex should be linked to life expectancy is a mystery. Of course, healthy people are more likely to have sex, and the findings linking sex to life expectancy reflect this, but I think there’s more to it.

We have seen elsewhere that having good relationships and staying positive is related to longer life expectancies. Maybe sex is a market for good, positive relationships.

Of course, it can also have direct health benefits. Sex triggers all kinds of endorphins and hormones in the body. Maybe these help with healthy aging and prolong life expectancy. But who really cares about the cause? The simple fact is that having more sex is healthier.

Be more like a vegetarian

Life expectancy can be linked to three factors that make vegetarians excel at having less bad fat, more antioxidants, and being underweight. Before moving on to how being a vegetarian can help your life expectancy, we need to define what we mean by a vegetarian.

Some vegetarians are “junk food vegetarians”. Such vegetarians eat cheese pizza and ice cream throughout the day. It is not good for health or life expectancy.

What we mean is someone who is eating a lot of vegetables prepared in healthy fats (like olive oil) while limiting animal products like cheese and cream. We would call this type of vegetarian a “whole food vegetarian.”
the leading cause of death and The number one shortening of life expectancy in the U.S. is heart disease. As your heart ages, gunk can build up in your arteries and your arteries themselves can become hard.

This raises your blood pressure and makes your heart work harder, putting you at risk for heart disease. Vegetarians (whole foods vegetarians) have some great arteries because eating healthy vegetables avoids bad fats and other unhealthy foods.

People who eat a lot of vegetables also take in a lot of antioxidants. Antioxidants help your body repair damage caused by aging. The more plants you eat (and the more variety) your body has to repair these raw materials.

Finally, vegetables fill you up with very few calories (if prepared without cream, butter, or cheese). A healthy vegetarian diet should help maintain or reduce weight. A healthy weight is associated with a longer life expectancy. So, become a vegetarian to increase your life expectancy and stay healthy.

Reduce your Stress

Life expectancy can be affected by stress in two major ways. The first way is through the direct, unhealthy effects of stress on your body in the long run.

Another way stress can shorten your life expectancy is through negative behaviors that trigger stress. These behaviors include comfort eating and smoking. Learn to relax through de-stressing techniques or meditation to keep your life expectancy where it should be.

Stress has been linked to dozens of health conditions, including heart disease or cancer.

Stress has also been linked to (no wonder) feeling irritable and not getting enough sleep. Focusing on stress can improve your quality of life right now while also improving your long-term health and life expectancy. It’s a pretty good deal.

You can relieve stress through a wide range of stress reduction techniques. Ibe called the relaxation response. This is a scientifically proven breathing technique that will help train your body not to respond to stressful events in your life.

One long-term relaxation technique is meditation. By learning to meditate, you not only calm your body, but you begin to train your mind. It’s great for mental fitness, concentration, and (of course) relaxation.

Get a Health Check-up

Improving your life expectancy through medical tests and health checkups is certainly not one of the “fun ways to live longer,” but undoubtedly, it is one of the most effective ways to add healthy years to your life. is.

Medical tests and screenings can help treat diseases early, when they are more treatable, and increase life expectancy even with disease or illness.

Of course, the challenge is figuring out when to test what. only Your doctor can really tell you 100% in terms of risk factors and family history). Mammograms, colonoscopies, and Pap smears have been proven to reduce mortality and morbidity from the diseases they investigate.

Turn off Your TV

No one has done any studies comparing the life expectancy of TV watchers and non-watchers (probably because they aren’t getting enough non-viewers to be a good study). But stopping television viewing is likely to improve most people’s health and (therefore) increase their life expectancy.

Here are some reasons:

  • Watching TV makes you inactive. You sit there to burn the least number of calories, which can lead to weight problems.
  • TV forces you to eat more junk food. People who are watching TV eat more than those who do not watch.
  • TV makes you antisocial. You are at home, zoned in, instead of talking face to face with real people.
  • TV is stressful. The news and many shows are full of tense stories. Avoid these, and you may find that things are not so bad.
  • TV prevents you from doing other things. The average person watches TV for about four hours a day. That is, 19 hours a week or more than 1,000 hours a year. If that time were spent exercising, volunteering, talking with our children, etc., imagine what a different world it would be.
  • If you stop watching TV, you’ll get about 1,000 hours back every year (on average). Depending on what you do with that time, you can reduce your health risks and increase your life expectancy.

Avoid Risk

Life expectancy can be protected by ensuring that you do not take any unnecessary risks. For young people, the biggest cause of death is not a disease or age-related problems.

Accidents, injuries, and violence are the most common causes of death for young people.

When you add certain behaviors (like smoking) to that list (which reduces life expectancy by 10 years), you get a list of things to avoid to protect your life expectancy.

Here is the list:

  • Wear your seat belt.
  • Drive defensively.
  • Avoid situations that could lead to injury.
  • Avoid risky sex.
  • Avoid violent situations.
  • Don’t smoke (or quit smoking if you smoke).
  • Maintain a healthy weight.

If you can do those things, you are already increasing your life expectancy. Focus on avoiding obvious risks and dangers. Your body is amazing and it will last as long as you keep it out of trouble.


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